Friday, December 21, 2012

Got it!

No excuses offered.  It just takes awhile to get my excrement compiled into one organized configuration, so to speak.  So here's an update.  HEMOSTAT
has been a huge success, raking in $4.71 this month!  This places me 303,000 on Amazon's bestseller (?) list.  I can't let this go to my head.

Actually, there are things that have bubbled to the surface of my consciousness over that last few months that I had forgotten about when it was first published.  If I come up with enough stuff, I think I'll publish a second edition.  The only complaint I got was that it was too short.  Right now it would be a good one to borrow from the lending library at Amazon.

Buoyed by this overwhelming success, I have started to sketch out a story, hopefully a novella set in my hometown.  It involves characters both real (long deceased) and invented, and, of course cars.  After all the cars of the 50's and 60's were awesome, artistic creations that people could drive! The research is the most fun part of it; trying to recall people and places with all the changes that have happened.  My goal (in part) is to present a nostalgic picture of life in Chula Vista set against a more grievous plot.  We'll see.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Out There

What a crock!  Let's get one thing straight from the beginning.  I do not consider myself so important that anybody would be too interested in what goes here.  Yes, each of us is unique, like every snowflake is unique in a blinding blizzard.  Every dust mote floating in an amber shaft of afternoon sunlight is also unique.  So why am I doing this?  It's just that I really enjoy putting words on paper (or other media), almost as much as reading them. I'll read just about anything placed before me; books (of course) magazines, journals, reports, menus... instructions, even. That's how I got here; laboring through reams of instructions related to putting up a 'personal web page'.

I also like to 'do stuff'.  Build things... work with my hands and brain. So, that's what I'm off to do now... things.  Like finishing up that 'personal web page'.